Friday, March 19, 2010

We Rendezvous with Baboo and Chewbaca

On Monday night of this week (March 15) we rendezvoused with Babbo and Chewbaca, our hiker friends, in Dimona to bring them the camping gear they needed for the middle part of their hike along the Israel National trail. The size of Dimona surprised me, about 34,000 (6x larger than Mitzpe Ramon), including 3,000 Black Hebrews led by their founder and spiritual leader, Ben Ammi Ben-Israel (Son of my people son of Israel). As of late Dimona has become home to many illegal African immigrants to Israel, and the crime rate has soared.

Chewbaca and Baboo had stocked up at one of the Dimona markets with food and water for the trail, so we drove them back to the trail head where they were camping for the night, about 15 miles east of Dimona. There was an ancient Nabatean fortress ruin here, which we spent some time exploring in the dark with our lights. It was quite huge, with many rooms.

 Exploring the Nabatean Fortress ruin outside of Dimona (click for full size image)

We helped Baboo and Chewbaca set up their tents and said our goodbyes. We hope to see them again after Pesach and perhaps spend a night or two on the trail with them.

Setting up tents on the Israel National Trail outside Dimona with Baboo and Chewbaca

 Goodnight for now to Chewey and Baboo


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